Batasiolo has always cared for the land and respected the environment. In line with its vision, our winery has embarked on a journey to reduce consumption and environmental impact that has brought excellent results in terms of quality and sustainability. Our achievements have resulted in the certifications that we are proud to display.

ISO 14064-1:2019

This standard details the principles and requirements for designing, developing, managing and reporting on GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) inventories. We have identified the actions to improve GHG management, with environmental sustainability as a top priority objective.



It is a specific standard for the wine sector. In addition to the environmental sustainability issue addressed through previous certifications, with Equalitas we have implemented procedures related to two more pillars: Social and Economic.



Batasiolo firmly believes that the company should not limit itself to creating economic value but should also promote well-being and safety, becoming a point of reference for employees, stakeholders, and the community.



Food safety has always been an essential factor in our work. The main focuses are risk prevention, careful observation of food safety procedures and customer satisfaction. In this area, we have achieved the following important certification milestones.

BRCGS Food and IFS Food

These are food safety standards recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). With these certifications, we reassert our constant commitment to consumer safety and in particular to retail customers, guaranteeing the supply of safe products that comply with contractual specifications and legal requirements.

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ifs 2020


In addition to sustainability, we respect our people and our products. At Batasiolo we have always ensured that our employees work safely and guarantee high-quality products.

In addition to sustainability, we respect our people and our products. At Batasiolo we have always ensured that our employees work safely and guarantee high-quality products. According to our Quality and Communication Policy, the Management invites you to submit any reports of non-conformities, remarks, or suggestions for improvement, also anonymously, using the form provided, to tecnico@batasiolo.com or by letter to: BATASIOLO Spa, Fr. Annunziata 87, 12064 La Morra (CN), Italy.

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politica qualità eng

Email:  info@batasiolo.com

Phone:  +39 0173 50130

Fax:  +39 0173 509258

Fr. Annunziata 87 – 12064 La Morra (CN)


Batasiolo S.p.A.

P.IVA / CF 02674600016

REA Number: CN – 120032

Share Capital € 7.315.000